Literature Review 2

Erin Payne
Ms. Bridges,
Senior Project
Literature Review 2

            When styling a fashion collection for a client, it is very important that I know how to coordinate colors and color schemes to make an outfit more appealing to the human eye. This is why I chose the essential question “How to coordinate colors according to clothing?” I chose this essential question because I need to know how to coordinate colors to compliment my fashion collections. I also chose this essential question because I need to know how to use the color wheel so that I can match colors to my clients different skin tones. The two websites I used as my sources are title of this article “The basics you need to know about coordinating you out fit” and the other website is title of this article “How to use the color wheel to coordinate your outfits”. I thought both of these articles were very helpful with giving me information for my research. Both articles gave examples of matching colors up according to the color wheel and demonstrated which colors look well together. I like better as resource because it showed me what colors are mostly worn in seasons and what colors look better being worn according to the different seasons. I think both if these sources are very reliable because they have updated information posted frequently. 

            Knowing how to use the color wheel and coordinating colors are very important when it comes to fashion styling it is one of the key things in making a good collection.  The three primary colors are red, blue and yellow. For printing purposes, the three primary colors are considered to be magenta, cyan and yellow, but in the fashion industry the former three are used. Secondary colors consist of Green, Purple, and Orange. Each primary and secondary color has both warmer and cooler shades. For example, a warmer shade of blue would be a royal purple, and a cooler shade of blue would be a teal. ("How to Use the Color Wheel to Coordinate Your Outfits." Yahoo Contributor Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2013.)  A stylist is  going to show you how to use the color wheel to find contrasting and coordinating colors that a stylist can apply to thero fashion skills. There are many ways to pair up colors. To find the color that will provide the most contrast, use the color located directly across from your chosen color. Some of these combinations, such as hot pink and lime green, are very popular, while others, such as red and aqua blue are less aesthetically pleasing and are not used as often. Colors that form a "Y" shape will also contrast with each other. For example, turquoise, golden yellow and purple, or dark green, burnt orange and navy. Another technique is to pair the colors that form an "X" shape. An example of this would be sea green, baby pink, periwinkle and light yellow. (“How to Use the Color Wheel to Coordinate Your Outfits." Yahoo Contributor Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2013.)  Remember that Analogous colors work together, but make sure they are of similar value. As a basic color concept, “value” represents the degree of lightness or darkness expressed in every color. ("The Basics You Need to Know About Color Coordinating Your Outfit." Kinowear. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.) Use complimentary colors for a bold statement. Matching complementary colors together is a sign of a confident, knowledgeable dresser, and doing so creates an impressive, color-rich palette. ("The Basics You Need to Know About Color Coordinating Your Outfit." Kinowear. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.)
As a general rule of thumb you don’t want to have more than THREE colors in your outfit. So pick three colors to match throughout your entire outfit. Any more than this and it starts getting risky. ("The Basics You Need to Know About Color Coordinating Your Outfit." Kinowear. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.) Dark colors compliment on lighter skin tones and light colors compliment darker skin tones.  . ("The Basics You Need to Know About Color Coordinating Your Outfit." Kinowear. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.)
 Warm colors are used more in the spring and summer time unlike dark colors that are used in fall and winter. ("The Basics You Need to Know About Color Coordinating Your Outfit." Kinowear. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.)
            My research answered my essential question by showing how to use and understand the color wheel better. My research also showed me how to use the color wheel to help me create outfits for my client’s. I think the information I learned is helpful and useful because it shows me how to blend warm and soft colors and deep and dark shades together. I like learning about the color wheel and how to coordinate colors together because it helps me understand how to style my collection better. This research contributes to my product development by making it easier to know how to coordinate colors. Knowing how to coordinate colors will help me a lot when styling my collection because now I know how to coordinate colors according to the season and to a persons skin tone.

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